

Romain de Marchi | YES. It’s An Interview Part I

We get down and dirty with loose cannon Romain de Marchi from the YES. crew

It’s hard to believe that YES. snowboards haven’t been around since the beginning. You can’t find a ‘Top 10’ list these days that doesn’t include at least one of their boards. You can’t even make the old cliché ‘from humble beginnings’ because these guys were veritable superstars before YES. was even a twinkle in their eyes. After the whole UnInc Crew split from ‘The Big B’ Romain de Marchi, Jan Petter Solberg, and David Carrier-Porcheron formed YES. Snowboards and the rest, as they say, is history.

“What exactly happens when three of the best riders in the world get together and start making snowboards?”

For part 1 of our YES. mini-series we spoke to infamous Swiss party animal Romain de Marchi. A man who is as well known for his huge backcountry booter sessions as he is his for his balls to the wall sessions in the bar.

Romain gettin’ it DONE | PC: Phil Tifo

So, what exactly happens when three of the best riders in the world get together and start making snowboards? Going from cogs in a corporate machine to becoming their own bosses, with no one to answer to but each other. Being given the freedom to be creative has seen ‘unusual board designs’ and shapes go from a concept, to a reality, to an industry staple.

“De Marchi was making a name for himself as a powerhouse both on and off the snow”

WL: You went from being a pro rider to a business owner, how was the transition and what were the challenges involved?

RDM: The transition was exciting because we were starting our own brand and discovering another side of the snowboarding industry. So, this was quite smooth and interesting. On the other end it a was challenge as well, with budgeting timeline, graphic designing, board construction… the first 3 years I was mainly responsible for this part at YES. before we hired more people.

JP Solberg, DCP and Romain and Romain de Marchi. PC: Phil Tifo.

All three of the YES. crew rode with Absinthe during the glory days and de Marchi was making a name for himself as a powerhouse both on and off the snow. His explosive and dominating style was, and still remains, a treat to watch. When you’re riding with the upper echelon of snowboarding royalty and still managing to stand out you know you must be something special.

WL: You were so ahead of the game during the ‘Vivid’ era of Absinthe, who were you looking up to at the time?

RDM: We were starting the UnInc project and I was really inspired by the guys at UnInc to push myself and experience new sensation and satisfaction. I mostly was riding with JP and Gigi at that time so I would say I looked up a lot at their way to ride a snowboard and express themself with it. This was giving me ideas to do different tricks or innovate different tricks.

Romain boosting Chads in Absinthe’s Pop.

During this same era, a few years later Romain and Travis Rice filmed one of the most talked parts ever- the Chads Gap session in Absinthe’s ‘Pop’. The two riders hit the iconic spot throwing down some of the smoothest spins to have been recorded on the behemoth. It’s been called the ‘Shut Down’ of Chad’s Gap and shall remain as one of the greatest movie sections of all time.

“For me was one of the raddest sessions with Travis, pushing our limit and having fun”

WL: How was it hitting Chad’s Gap that first time with Travis? You guys fucking shut it down, it’s still one of the most talked about sessions ever.

RDM: Well we were filming in Utah most of the winter and we were talking about this gap with Shane Charlebois and Justin and Travis and the opportunity came, and we took it. I didn’t realise that would have been so talked about at the time. For me was one of the raddest sessions with Travis, pushing our limit and having fun!

PC: Befu Foto

Over the years Romain de Marchi has filmed dozens of full parts, he’s travelled across the globe to the best spots on the planet to secure the shots he wanted. When you’ve got such an impressive résumé how do you choose your favourite?

WL: What’s your favourite part you ever filmed?

RDM: Every video part I have filmed has something special and personal, people that I’m with all season where we develop friendship and connection. So, for me, it’s not the favourite one it’s the favourite people. I had the chance to work with the Absinthe crew throughout the years.

“And then I got thrown through a window by the bouncer after trying to help Gigi”

Rolling deep with the Absinthe & UnInc crew in the early days is about as rockstar as it gets. We recently had a boozy session in Austria with Romain and the YES. crew and it got pretty fucking loose. Nowhere near what the boys got up to back in the day, but there were a few black eyes and stonking hangovers the next day nevertheless.

WL: Can you tell us a party story from the UNinc days?

RDM: Haha there is so many parties we did together and so many memories that it’s hard to choose one better than the other.

I would say the time in NZ when Gigi got kicked out of the bar and arrested by the police for no reason because the bouncer was friends with the policeman. And then I got thrown through a window by the bouncer after trying to help Gigi. Then that bouncer almost died because he got his main veins cut out in his forearm when he threw me through the window. “karma fucker”. That was pretty wild one I would say.

Once the scourge of bouncers the world over, de Marchi has grown up and grown into fatherhood since the UnInc days. That’s not to say that he’s shrugged off his taken off his party hat completely, it just manifests in different ways these days.

“I was in Prague for our sales meeting last November and end up going to a club for JF Pelchat’s birthday, I couldn’t stand staying in there after 30 min”

WL: You have a reputation as a real party animal, have you found yourself calming down or are you still sending it as hard?

RDM: I mean I like socializing more now a days, more like having friends over for dinner and have a good wine and good talk. I was in Prague for our sales meeting last November and end up going to a club for JF Pelchat’s birthday, I couldn’t stand staying in there after 30 min. So I would say I’m more calm now and will enjoy more a bar than a club and no I’m not ragging, but I like to get loose still.

JP Sohlberg, DCP and Romain and Romain de Marchi. PC: Phil Tifo.

Although his party behaviour may have calmed down, his schedule certainly hasn’t. Working full time with his YES. buddies and traveling far and wide to ride some of the gnarliest terrain on the globe. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it, huh?

WL: What’s your plan for this season?

RDM: Well it started pretty good so far, we just did our photoshoot for next year’s catalogue with Eagle Pass heliskiing and it was awesome. Good, deep snow and awesome to work with the legendary Scott Newsome who we are partnering with for next year’s board development.

“JP and I are going to Alaska for a month to shoot some stuff and cruise with the Alaska snowboard guide operation to do some heliboarding”

Then Christmas you know the usual stuff eat too much, drink too much and make resolutions that you will keep doing for a month then back to old habits. Then going to Europe for Shops First Try in Austria and ISPO, then OR in Denver.

 In February me and my family are going in Indo for 1 month or so, I’m working on a different project with a friend of mine that will show up next season. I hope during my stay in Indo I’m gonna go to Japan for a week or so to shoot some stuff with JP and do the trade show as well.

And April JP and I are going to Alaska for a month to shoot some stuff and cruise with the Alaska snowboard guide operation to do some heliboarding.

There you have it people. The man, the myth, the legend- Romain de Marchi.

Romain can usually be found riding the YES. 2020, check out our review to get the lowdown on this see-through, true twin, powder specific board which smashes the pistes and can even take a run in the park.


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