So some of you might have heard that Olympic halfpipe hopeful Louie Vito is on the new season of Dancing with the Stars – the US equivalent of Strictly Come Dancing. We’ve dug up these hilarious little video clip of Louie and his dance partner getting a quick foxtrot and salsa on, which we felt we had to share – if only for the awesome wife-beater! The first one’s all Louie, the second you get to see the competition. Louie seems to be loving the whole thing, even if the judges aren’t – his blog for People magazine (the US equivalent of Closer) suggests they have a problem with his hair. This is all pretty hilarious, but the question remains, is any of this good for snowboarding? See what Todd Richards thinks here.
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In this second one, you get to see what Louie’s up against, in a salsa dance off. Kindof like halfpipe competition but…well not. Highlight here surely has to be Chuck Liddell, professional gorilla man and some-time cage fighter. Check out his Louie’s salsa-style backflips at 3.24… what is he thinking?