Tadashi Fuse is pretty much the sushi-eating, samurai sword wielding equivalent of Romain De-Marchi (no surprise that he’s on Romain’s brand YES then is it?). Equally as comfortable tanking it down stupidly steep faces in Alaska as he is boosting big spins off even bigger jumps, when it come to riding backcountry, Tadashi is about as well rounded as they come. This is his part from Yes. It’s a Movie Too and it’s a full seven minutes of hardcore snow porn, with gnarly lines in Alaska, backcountry kicker riding in British Columbia and a predictably deep second section shot entirely in Japan. If you’ve seen any of his parts before you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect from this and it’s more explosive freeriding from Mr Fuse.
Not one to watch if you’re stuck at work, bummed that it’s a Monday and don’t yet have a snowboard trip lined up. Nothing wrong with a bit of daydreaming though right?