“We had a very successful trip to Russia. We made it back.”- Bob Hope
The Vans Hi Standard Series made its first European stop of 2020 at the Krasnaya Polyana Resort, Sochi and it absolutely popped off! We arrived late Thursday evening to rain and after a quick dinner we signed off our respect to the weather Gods and could only hope for the best.
“Sebi Springeth, Gian Sutter, Antti Jussila and Nikita Sekh hauled ass over to Sochi for the event”
On Friday we woke up to snow, I believe the scientific term would be ‘a shitload of snow’. Vans team riders Sebi Springeth, Gian Sutter, Antti Jussila and Nikita Sekh hauled ass over to Sochi for the event and even though only the bottom section of the mountain was open we still scored some killer pow lines. We spent the day hiking side hits and hips and making the most of the soft landings. Two things really jumped out at me about Sochi; the fact you had to go through a metal detector and security check to get into the gondola, and sheer number of locals that wear exterior foam butt pads. It was unsettling, people weren’t even laughing at them?? That was the moment I realised “We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto”.