After a nearly two-decade hiatus, Red Bull Heavy Metal returned to the streets of the lakeside city of Duluth, Minnesota. The one-day competition took place on the 16th of January, as 40 elite street snowboarders showcased their rail riding skills in three separate zones designed to test each facet of their skillsets.
“The goal was to bring street snowboarding to places that sometimes doesn’t even get snowfall naturally”
The zones included “The Tower” that featured a 20-foot drop, “The Playground” which showcased a technical section of down bars, transfers, trees, and tables, and culminated at “The Metal”, the contest’s heaviest zone which focused on Cascade Park’s notorious kink rail and 30-step downstair that’s well known to locals and other street riders who have spent time in Duluth.
We caught up with Minnesota native and street snowboarding legend Joe Sexton, who was brought on as Competition Director for the event, and the other Minnesota legend Benny Milam, who also finished first on the men’s podium.