Private Productions, not to be confused with Pirate Productions, are a Belgian/Dutch based crew who decided to base themselves in a ‘Hideout’ in the Montafon valley for the season and document their snowboard adventures.
Hailing from countries that are about as flat as Keira Knightley’s chest, it’s always encouraging to see Dutchies and Belgians ripping on snowboards – and it’s something we can easily relate to as Brits.
While the rider line up, including David Van den Boer, Jesse Augustinus, Frederik van den Bossche, Hans Thomaes, Luc Buthker, Chaplin Peters, Boas van Olden, Jord Ras, Free Deroo, Sebastian Moya Barros, Yannick Sleeckx, Joeri van de Vliet and Sebbe de Buck isn’t exactly a who’s-who of snowboarding (we’ll be honest, we’ve come across about two of ’em), this movie actually looks well worth a watch, with a nice mellow vibe and a clean, stripped back aesthetic.
We particularly liked the whole Instagram feel, with the picture borders and tag names being used subtly throughout.
From what we can gather, the movie is premiering on the 12th October on, of all places, and to confuse the Private/Pirate thing even further, a boat…