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Switching Tasks | Spark R&D Produce Facemasks in response to COVID-19

Spark shifts its production from bindings to PPE for healthcare workers

Stay at home. Don’t go to work. Watch TV. Bake a sourdough loaf. Post your yoga routine timelapse to the ‘gram. Run 5K or down a pint in 5 seconds then donate to charity, all in the name of the NHS. These are just some of the calls to arms that have been demonstrated in these troubling times of crisis.

And then there’s Spark R&D. Nobody would have judged if they’d just sat on the sofa and watched the best splitboard films until this whole thing blew over. Instead, they’re back in their Bozeman HQ producing injection-moulded plastic parts for the Montana Mask in response to the desperate global shortage of PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of April 13th, Spark had helped produce 13,000 masks, utilising their in-house design, machining, and injection-moulding capabilities. What a bunch of bloody legends.

“As of April 13th, Spark had helped produce 13,000 masks, utilising their in-house design, machining, and injection-moulding capabilities. What a bunch of bloody legends”

The Montana Mask was designed out of Billings, Montana by Dusty Richardson, MD, Spencer E. Zaugg, DMD, and Colton Zaugg. It was intended to start an open-source, grassroots movement, where anyone could download the files and reproduce the masks on a 3D printer. It didn’t take long for the file to be downloaded in over 148 countries, highlighting the global scale of the shortage.

Spark R&D’s Cory Deegan working on the mould. (Pic: SparkR&D)

When Spark R&D’s owner, Will Ritter, picked up the story through CNN, he saw an opportunity for his company to lend a hand and reached out to the doctors behind the Montana Mask. Instead of offering to produce 3D printed masks, he suggested Spark offer their services by producing injection moulded components, which could be produced at a substantially faster rate. Within four days, Spark had made a prototype. The final product was approved by day six. Four days after that, the first 2,400 masks had been delivered to Billings Clinic.

Of course, not everyone can be expected to respond to the crisis the way Spark has. They happen to be a company with in-house design and production facilities to see an idea from concept through to completion. For the majority of us, staying at home really is the most important action we can take, and it’s not one to be taken lightly. With that said, it’s nothing short of inspirational to see how one small corner of our community has responded in such a positive and significant way.

“It’s nothing short of inspirational to see how one small corner of our community has responded in such a positive and significant way”

Spark R&D co-owner Will Ritter with the injection-moulded mask components. (Pic: Spark R&D)

Since 2006, Spark R&D has been dedicated to pushing innovation in splitboarding. Their bindings are meticulously designed, with every detail (hollow screws and all) taken into consideration. Their passion for splitboarding and its community has been massive in shaping the sport as it is today. It won’t be long before we’re all back on the trail enjoying some well-earned turns. But, in the meantime, be more like Spark: do whatever you can, however big or small, to help get our planet back on track. You can get more info on the story via Spark R&D’s website here.

If you’re looking to take your mind off all the apocalyptic vibes going around, why not get involved in Spark’s latest online comp to determine the best splitboard destination in the world. The nominations are up and voting begins on Friday, April 17th. Hint: if you’re struggling to decide on how to vote, the correct answer is Chamonix…

The Best Splitboard Destination in the World Nominations


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