

Snowskating: Alive and Definitely Still Kicking. But is it the Future? Your Responses

Snowskates. Perhaps they are the answer after all?

Last week we posted an epicly seventies video of some dudes strapping plastic skids to their skateboards and ripping around in the snow.

It was filmed in 1978, the year after Burton Snowboards was founded, and we wondered idly what might have happened if adapted skateboards, rather than Jake’s modified snurfers, had caught on and taken over the world.

In the course of our musings, we made a couple of disparaging off-the-cuff remarks about snowskating, implying that it was a short-lived trend that had had its day. They were a couple of throwaway lines, not the main point of the piece, and so we thought no more about it. But judging by some of the comments, we think we might have touched a bit of a nerve…

Take this one for starters from the awesomely-named Mr Bender:

There were several others in a similarly moderate and well-considered tone…

While obviously we appreciate a good trolling (who doesn’t?) sifting through the bile there did seem to be a point emerging – that there is still a snowskating community, and they obviously don’t take people slighting their sport lightly.

A couple of people posted links to videos:

Like this one, purporting to bust some of the “myths” surrounding snowskating.

Our initial reaction was “my lady doth protest too much, methinks” – if you have to try that hard to prove it’s a “proper” sport, then perhaps by definition it isn’t? But then again, people like Jake Burton and Tom Sims probably had to do similar things for snowboarding back in the day.

Eric Debrunye (who featured in the photo we ran with the original article) made the case a bit more mildly than some in his Facebook post:

But having watched the clip above and few other videos, we still remain to be convinced that snowskating is the way the truth and the light (or as “snowskaterroundup” put it, slightly cultishly: “the true future”) a position some of you share:

‘C-Tips’ also helpfully pointed out (in his own inimitable way) that dissing snowskating was hardly the main point of our original article:

But there are obviously people in the far-flung corners of the internet who care enough about snowskating to want to fight its corner whenever its good name is threatened.

So what do you think – are these folk all just drinking the same strange flavour Kool Aid? Or is there actually a grain of truth in what’s being said? Is Snowskating cool? Could 2014 be the year it makes a comeback? Actually wait, we probably shouldn’t call it a comeback should we… ;-)


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