Stretching, yoga, all that lot – it’s conventionally had a bit of an odd relationship with snowboarding hasn’t it? In the grand tradition of copying skateboarding, we too have largely left the early morning stretch well alone…
Maybe the pros put in a cursory limber up in before their slopestyle runs – and those with a more surfy background might be up with larks saluting the sun on balconies, but to hazard a guess we’d say that the majority of able bodied folk on their well-earned holiday week in the alps are more concerned about gathering the troops, getting to the lifts and enjoying themselves as much as possible while they can…
“Pre-lap lunges aren’t really necessary. You warm up as you go, surely?”
Bundled in with the many other accepted norms for behaviour on the mountain, we tend to accept the little voice that says ‘Pre-lap lunges aren’t really necessary. You warm up as you go, surely?’