Woah! A mate of ours just sent us this – a video of piste security telling someone “I will hunt you down and kill you” – just for the crime of forgetting their season pass!
This guy’s clearly one of those rent-a-cops who turns into a complete arsehole the second you give them a utility belt and a radio. You know the type.
But while Whitelines has encountered plenty of self-important bouncers, security guards and other assorted dickheads in our time, we’ve never heard one get this vicious!
Here’s the full story from the dude who posted this on Youtube:
“Me and my friends were skiing at our local resort about a week ago and one of my friends forgot his coat at home therefore forgot his season pass that was on his coat. Instead of looking up his name and giving him a temporary pass they brought us to security. He gave him the option to buy two day passes and rip one up, or call the police and press charges for “theft of services” despite the fact that he has a season pass on file.
When the security started getting excessively rude I started recording on my phone but left it in my pocket so THERE IS NO VIDEO JUST Audio. In the end of the video the security says that if he ever sees him in the security office again he will ‘hunt him down and kill him'”