
Rails & Jibbing

How to Backside Blunt 270 Out

The Backside Blunt 270 Out is difficult enough to say, never mind perform, but if you’re getting serious about your jibbing then combos like these are where it’s at. This trick also introduces us to a new concept: stalling a spin. The key to this is remembering that all the energy for the dismount spin is initiated on the snow before you get on to the rail. You’ll also need to be able to boardslide down a rail, and ideally know how to throw a frontside 360 off a small kicker. If you reckon you’ve got the skills to pay the bills, this is how to post your invoice.

1. Approach the kicker with a low centre of gravity and minimal movement to keep control.

2. Focus on the kicker’s lip, and like the frontside 180, pre-wind on the kicker by pushing your trailing arm backwards. As you ride up the jump, gently dig your heel edge into the kicker whilst maintaining a straight line. This extra edge grip gives you a platform from which to pop onto the rail.

3. Time everything together so you’re extending your legs into the pop and unwinding your arms. Keep you head looking straight down the rail.

4. As you get airborne, bring up your knees to bring your board up and over the rail.

5. Set it down with a flat base. Since this is a bluntslide the rail should be beneath your rear foot. Make sure the angle of your board (and your upper body) matches the downward angle of the rail. Commit to it! If you stand too upright (or worse, lean back onto your heel edge) you’ll slip out.

6. end your rear leg, sinking your weight into the slide. At the same time, extend your other leg to style it out and provide balance. keep looking at the end of the rail.

7. As you slide down the rail, your shoulders can keep turning around in a frontside direction. You’re effectively initiating the dismount spin from the moment you land on the rail.

8. At the end of the rail, spring up off that bent rear leg and into the air, allowing your board to follow the movement of your arms.

9. You’re coming in bline, so look down at the landing between your feet (similar to a backside 180) and start to extend your legs.

10. Set your board down on the tail first, so it will naturally adjust round the remaining few degrees without catching an edge. Apply your toe edge to kill any further rotation.


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