“Last stop, St Moritz!” The fifth and final episode of Holden Outerwear’s Glacier Express series calls into the legendary resort in Switzerland’s south-eastern Alps and delivers one hell of a finale.
The crew is joined by their friend and fellow shredder, Gregor Betschon, for the final leg of the journey. “In Switzerland, it’s really normal to get on the train to go snowboarding,” he says. “You can reach every single town by public transportation. It’s nearly perfect.”
They arrive in the Italian speaking region of Switzerland and luck out with cold smoke, blower conditions, right off the lift. It’s the kind of snow that makes you want to put in two turns where a skier might do 30 (2 mins, 43 seconds).
“The Glacier Express perfectly highlights how, sometimes, exploration can take place right off your own doorstep”
Adventure lies at the very heart of snowboarding, whether it’s travelling under the resort ropes into the backcountry to score new lines, or travelling to the other side of the world in search of different cultures and experiences. The Glacier Express perfectly highlights how, sometimes, exploration can take place right off your own doorstep. For the likes of Fredi Kalbermatten and Silvano Zeiter – who are no strangers to the global jet-setting life that comes with pro snowboarding – it seems the perfect adventure was already right under their noses, in Switzerland. Hopefully, it serves as a little inspiration for anybody out there who’s looking for a more local shred adventure this winter.