- Price: £560 / €600 / $630
- Category: Freeride + Powder
- Sizes: 144, 148, 152, 156, 156W, 160, 160W, 165W
- Flex: 7/10
- Shape: Directional
- Profile: Setback Camber
- 3D: No
- Base: Sintered
Why we chose the Burton Hometown Hero Snowboard: A local board for local people – but for the right rider, we’ll have no trouble here.
Here’s a thought (and please bear with us): how likely is it that Elvis Presley would have changed music and popular culture forever had he come up playing to working men’s clubs in a small town on the outskirts of Glasgow? Likewise, would John “Wizard of Wishaw” Higgins have won four snooker world championships had he spent his formative years perfecting his cueing in a Mississippi trailer park?
Our point is, the nature of a local legend has a lot to do with where you’re at – and this board is no different. It was designed with the tightly-packed trees and grisly terrain typical of the B’s home state of Vermont. If that sounds not unlike your own patch, your saviour has arrived.
“It was designed with the tightly-packed trees and grisly terrain typical of the B’s home state of Vermont”
Who Is The Burton Hometown Hero For?
While it doesn’t have the eye-catching silhouette of some of the other entries on the Family Tree, er, family tree, file this under ‘freeride’ all the same. The Burton Hometown Hero is a juggernaut, capable of blasting through crud without any of the bone-shaking repercussions.