In Blindspot, the three musketeers Louif Paradis, Mark Wilson, and Sam Taxwood embark on a journey thats main aim is to draw a parallel between two very different destinations: Georgia and Quebec.
“Houses, hotels, and ski resorts were left without any human attention for years”
If you were given a map and were told to point out a place you thought to be one of the most unexplored destinations for a snowboarder to choose to travel to, we reckon Georgia might just be the first place your finger would go to. This country is at the very intersection of Europe and Asia, a cultural melting pot if you will.
It was only in 1991 that the Russians left this hidden gem of a country, and throughout the film, we get to see the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Houses, hotels, and ski resorts were left without any human attention for years, giving the Georgian towns a mystical feel of their own.