OK, this may seem pretty simple but it’s hard to muster up the courage to get your lip over the top of the pipe first time around. Here’s how to make it work:
1) Start off by dropping in from your heelside wall, coming down across the bottom with a strong toe edge.
2) When you get to the lip, point the board a bit further down toward the end of the pipe. Wait as long as possible before you pop – otherwise you’ll land too low in the transition.
3) As you leave the pipe, reach down with your back hand and grab in front of your front foot. Kick the back leg out and keep looking down.
4) Touch down with your tail in the transition. Make sure you come back into the pipe as high as you can. Shift your weight to your nose. Get a strong heel edge in preparation for the next wall.
If you can, don’t let your edge slip when you’re coming along the bottom and up the wall. Keep your eyes on the lip, not the bottom when you’re in the air! Otherwise you run the risk of landing flat and low in the transition.