How To Backside Lipslide a Gap
How To Backside Lipslide a Gap
This is to rail tricks what the backside 180 is to kicker tricks: the all-time classics. Just like the back 1, it’s relatively easy to do, but takes serious practice to do it with style. ‘Lipslides’ are when the back foot crosses over the rail before you connect (as opposed to boardslides, where it doesn’t).
The real beauty of back lips is that they look hard; the real secret of back lips is the pop. This is another trick I tend to go a tad faster for, as you need to get your weight (and your tail) over the rail. It would probably help to get frontside boardslides locked as well before trying these.
Make sure you wait until you know your tail is higher than the rail, then throw it out like a backside shifty
Approach the take off with a mostly flat base, but with your weight a bit more on the heel-edge as you get closer to the lip. Make sure you keep a line that’s almost totally parallel to the rail as you approach – it might feel a bit wrong, but it will stop you falling off the opposite side of the rail as soon as you land on it.
Keep your shoulders in line with your board as you leave the take off, and lightly pop off your heel edge. Make sure you wait until you know your tail is higher than the rail, then throw it out like a backside shifty.
In the air you want to spot the rail and aim to land with your weight either centered, or slightly towards your front foot. Either way, as soon as you land assume the frontside boardslide position and lean into it to stay on the rail.
At this point it should feel pretty good, so just hold that front board position and enjoy the ride! Coming off early is the biggest annoyance with back lips, but you’ll be fine as long as you keep your board at 90 degrees and get your weight over the rail.
Coming off the end feels pretty damn good! Just hold that position to the end and as you come off, you should naturally want to straighten up. I usually find I end up more on my toe edge from back lips, but that’s fine as long you ride it out.